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Sneak preview | C U S P : A Solo Exhibition by Court Lurie

  • Cloud Tree Studios & Gallery 3411 East 5th Street Austin, TX, 78702 (map)

No appointment necessary. Open November 21st and 22nd from 12-6pm.

Only 5 people in the gallery at a time.

*Come get a sneak peak of a selection of work that will be in the show. Work purchased this weekend will receive a 15 % discount.

*A portion of proceeds from sales will go to allgo, an Austin based nonprofit. allgo envisions a just and equitable society that celebrates and nurtures vibrant queer people of color communities through cultural arts, wellness, and social justice programming.

Click here more information about the solo exhibition and here to book a viewing of the show in its entirety.

“Creating is an opportunity to feel something into the world that has not existed before you, but is calling out to be birthed”


def: A point of transition between two different states

syn. brink, edge, threshold, verge

This exhibition weaves together large contemporary abstract paintings, poetry, photography, drawings and installation. New works are curated with older pieces, and poetry written decades ago intermingle with an interactive installation in a robust, yet tender homage to the experience of liminality.

Court Lurie


“The power of vulnerability, of witnessing, and being witnessed is an invitation and often a catalyst for the deepest and most impactful connection. For me, this is a gift of art. Intimately greeting the unknown with veracity and a nod to risk, becomes a beacon into the collective human experience.”

I have spent years studying the intricacies of thought patterns and how they are expressed through action and emotion. I am particularly intrigued by the relationship between ego motivation and faith. While painting, my awareness vacillates between intentional, premeditated mark making (ego), and spontaneous, intuitive, risk taking (faith), delving into the unknown and exploring new ways of creating space.

The paintings reveal stories of a trail of guided movements. Echoes of decision making. Actions of letting go and control. Marks of a human hand navigating itself through the duality of life. On the cusp of this collision, confrontation and fingerprint, is a dance between technological influence, and the forces of nature we confront daily - a beautiful tension where entropy meets order.

When I allow the present moment, to be my guide, meander the uncharted path to explore it’s pure expression, I am entering a portal. This journey through the creative process opens a channel of communication that is ubiquitous. It is the human, being moved. New language is revealed, and the artwork lives into the world as a gift. The elements and content in my work reveal a nexus between our man made and natural world. I excavate the intricacy of structure and systems in the natural and material world that often go unexplored. Imagery inside the paintings marry the organic, intuitive, gestural nature of things - the unexpected, unknown, and surprising; with the systematic, predictable, didactic, and directed.

This unwavering dedication to curiosity and discovery, births a complex dialogue that is revealed inside the painting. The inventions leave marks of a human hand navigating itself through a desire to initiate contact with something visceral, magical, mystical, and sacred. Carnal, primitive, and raw. I tune to the frequency of receiving, and listen. I move when I am moved. I enter and leave the canvas with deep reverence and grace.

Each piece is an offering.


Court lurie is a queer, Jewish, abstract painter from Chicago. She lives and creates in Austin, Texas, where she has called home for 15 years. She is a professional artist with gallery representation at Kenise Barnes Fine Art in NY, Costello Gallery in Phoenix, Addison Gallery in Miami, and JGo Gallery in Park City, UT. Her work has been featured in many design and lifestyle magazines, on the set of several films, ABC Studios, HGTV, and hangs in public and private collections across the country. She co-founded Artpost, with a developer and a group of artists in 20 + studios, 5 buildings, sculpture garden, on a 3 acre campus, in East Austin where the Govalle Library used to live. Artpost lived for 8 years strong. It was a hub of activity during the East Austin Studio Tours each year and was a pillar of community, joy, collaboration, mutual aid, shared reality, and friendship.

Court is an ordained minister, self proclaimed Kabbalist (which has been reserved for only very studied men in their 40’s), in the Jewish tradition. She is a Reiki Master, has trained in trauma sensitive yin yoga, meditation, and authentic movement. She ritualizes daily life as much as possible through art making, poetry, connection, conversation, music, road trips, fresh air, magic, and serendipity. She is a great softball player. A wanna be tennis pro. A percussionist, singer, guitarist. She has a long history with spoken word poetry and performed on queer stages almost 20 years ago. If you ask her for a poem, she may just spit one there on the spot. Her life is about living in the present moment and listening to its message. Learning how to listen. And being still enough to respond with intuition and integrity.


Later Event: November 28
Fall Open Studio